Friday, June 7, 2019

Fuck You Dear Abby

**This was written in a fit of rage at Dear Abby’s response to abletter in June 7th. I won’t be sharing her letter here, because it sucks and it doesn’t need anymore hit than it will already get.**

Dear Abby,

You should be ashamed of yourself. Your advice to Crystal could not be more off base. Instead of shaming the Aunt for grieving the loss of her much loved child, you should have shamed the family that failed to support her. That the Aunt still mourns her daughter after all this time is completely normal. To say this child never lived is cruel and completely wrong. For 9 months that baby girl lived, right under her mother’s heart. That mother felt her every kick and turn, knew the pattern of her days and nights and  knew what foods she liked and what food she didn’t. For nine months that mother dreamed and planned and loved her baby girl. And now that poor mother has to live everyday not knowing the sound of her daughter’s voice or the color of her hair. She’ll never watch her first steps, or graduations. Never see her make friends or get her first job; a whole lifetime was lost when her daughter was still born. I know because I am that mother. I am that mother and I am telling you that you owe this Aunt and all parents of stillborn children an apology. We walk this earth everyday carrying a weight grief that you cannot imagine. A shadow of sorrow behind every smile.

Hannah’s Mom

PS: Every Nov 2nd I make a birthday cake for my silent child. And we sing and remember her with love.


  1. I can relate. I have never had a stillborn baby, but I lost five tiny angels before their birth. As a mom who has had multiple miscarriages, it would have helped in my grief process to have someone acknowledge my sorrow and the fact that my babies mattered, too.

    1. I'm so sorry that your babies aren't here in your arms. This baby loss club is one none of us wanted to join and it's filled with some of the most amazing people. Sending you love.
