Friday, November 1, 2019

Turning Five

She should be turning 5 today. She should be fighting bedtime, stealing toys from her brothers and driving her preschool teacher nuts with her spunky ways. That’s how I imagine her, my spunky, brave girl. Never one to back down from a challenge.

I also imagine her being sweet to the dogs. They would curl up next to my big old pregnant belly and lull Hannah to sleep. The cats on the other hand...oh how she hated those cats! The would try to   stretch out on me and she’d start kicking like crazy until they shot me an indignant look and moved on to the next human in the room.

I imagine her playing dress up and loving ballet. Playing piano and Tball too. Maybe soccer.

I imagine her curly brown hair and big blue eyes. Because a psychic once told me she’d have dark curly brown hair and big blue eyes.

I imagine all these things and a million more because that’s all I can do. Imagine.

I imagine her alive and smiling, blown out the candles in her cake as her dad and brothers and I sing to her.

Today she should be turning five.

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