Sunday, October 22, 2017

When the Rainbow Fades

We should have looked at our two little boys and just felt grateful. We should have looked at them and just counted our blessings. We should have just been thankful to have these wonderful, smart, sweet, adorable boys in our lives.

But we got greedy.

"One more!" we said. "Look how great these boys are. Lets just try for one more!" "What if we have a girl this time! A daughter would be amazing!" "What if we have a third boy! We make the best boys!"

2 months later, 2 positive pregnancy tests confirmed the newest addition was on the way. Due in May! A spring baby. The best time to have a baby. Good weather, I'll be home with Charlie all summer. It will be perfect. Everything will be perfect. Of course, it never ends that way. It's never just that easy.

First came the blood. Then the pain. The frantic, middle of the night call to the Doctor. And then it's over. Just like that. After 9 weeks of hoping and praying and pleading with fate, we are left once again to pick up the pieces and figure out our next move.

It's never just that easy.

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